Friday, July 24, 2009

Poodle in puddle

Barbie went out with the Shelties for a walk this afternoon after a thunderstorm. The field had standing water and where she was running with Bunny the other day was soaking wet. She seemed a bit bewildered; she kept stopping and dropping her head to check it out.

Quite a different picture from the other undone, wet and having a ball! Who says Poodles are foo foo dogs!


Natalie July 25, 2009 at 7:01 AM  

LOL that second picture...! Poodle puppies are freaking adorable but so awkward looking sometimes, with their big monkey paws, and long spindly legs. This picture shows that well. And anyone who says Poodles are foo foo should spend the day with a Standard... Addie goes NUTS over snow, loves to go rollerblading with me, and has a ball at our puppy agility class. She's a real dog.


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